Sunday, November 18, 2012

Deer Season: Day 4

Yesterday morning I got up with Joe and saw him off to his deer blind way before dawn. I made myself Japanese style breakfast before work.
Day 3 included Joe's brother Mark and brother-in-law Adam. At 9am Adam broke his chair, which made a loud crashing noise scaring all the deer for the rest of the day (or so they thought). They got to have lunch with his uncles who were up from downstate. It was a nice break in the routines. Oh, Joe saw a flying squirrel he hadn't seen for ten years.
Day 4: Joe decided to sleep in and make me breakfast. A good thing I baked a fresh loaf of bread last night.
I'm going off to work now. Joe is going out to his deer blind in the afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that bread looks so good Kayo-chan! We are debating whether to buy a breakmaker or not right now. I'm sure fresh baked bread would be delicious, but not sure how much I would use it (me not being much of a baker at all). :-P
