Thursday, November 15, 2012

Deer Season: Day 1

I'm up early this morning. Joe left for his deer blind a little after six. Since I had a bunch of things I wanted to get done on my day off, I decided to start my day right then. One of the things on my list was to bake a cheesecake for my brother's birthday that he can't even have (due to the thousands of miles distance). I'm making a fluffy, airy, souffle-like cheesecake this time... it's cooking in the oven right now. 
November is flying by faster than expected. Joe's been busy getting ready for deer hunting weekdays and weekends; I've been working into the retail craze holiday season. Not much is new.
We got ourselves a brand new bed though, including a bed frame and all. No more sore backs! Despite all the dramas of our new box spring not fitting through the staircase, and our less than a year old laptop quitting while we were waiting for the bed delivery, it was so worth getting our new bed. Especially because Joe managed to recover our laptop himself, instead of paying Best Buy $300. Phew.  

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