Sunday, November 18, 2012

Deer Season: Day 4

Yesterday morning I got up with Joe and saw him off to his deer blind way before dawn. I made myself Japanese style breakfast before work.
Day 3 included Joe's brother Mark and brother-in-law Adam. At 9am Adam broke his chair, which made a loud crashing noise scaring all the deer for the rest of the day (or so they thought). They got to have lunch with his uncles who were up from downstate. It was a nice break in the routines. Oh, Joe saw a flying squirrel he hadn't seen for ten years.
Day 4: Joe decided to sleep in and make me breakfast. A good thing I baked a fresh loaf of bread last night.
I'm going off to work now. Joe is going out to his deer blind in the afternoon.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Deer Season: Day 2

November 16th is my brother's birthday. Since it was already the 16th in Japan, we put a candle on the cheesecake and poured Leinie's seasonal Vanilla Porter in honor of Yoshi's birthday last night. The cheesecake was very nice. Light and heavenly. A good thing I baked a regular size cake. We wish we could actually share the cheesecake with my brother, not just the photos.  
Both yesterday and today Joe got to see deer at his deer blind. The most excitement he had was yesterday right after he got settled in his blind, still dark. He thought he saw a black shape the size of a deer. Just as the sunlight broke from the tree lines, the deer turned his head to leave in the way that Joe could make out his antlers. Joe vs Deer. Deer won on the opening day. Only if the buck stayed at the bait pile a few minutes longer till the legal shooting hour of daylight... 
Joe saw a spike horn today. A jumpy little thing. There are a few does that know Joe's bait schedule, right around 5 pm. They actually look in the direction that Joe walks in with his bait bucket.
I can't wait to get out with Joe next week when I have a day off.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Deer Season: Day 1

I'm up early this morning. Joe left for his deer blind a little after six. Since I had a bunch of things I wanted to get done on my day off, I decided to start my day right then. One of the things on my list was to bake a cheesecake for my brother's birthday that he can't even have (due to the thousands of miles distance). I'm making a fluffy, airy, souffle-like cheesecake this time... it's cooking in the oven right now. 
November is flying by faster than expected. Joe's been busy getting ready for deer hunting weekdays and weekends; I've been working into the retail craze holiday season. Not much is new.
We got ourselves a brand new bed though, including a bed frame and all. No more sore backs! Despite all the dramas of our new box spring not fitting through the staircase, and our less than a year old laptop quitting while we were waiting for the bed delivery, it was so worth getting our new bed. Especially because Joe managed to recover our laptop himself, instead of paying Best Buy $300. Phew.