Saturday, January 28, 2012

Joe's Lesson: What Not To Do

Thursday Joe stupidly stuck his hand in an old snowblower when it quit, and Joe thought it was off. A surprise! it back-fired on him, followed with an emergency trip to a hospital, where he was treated for his broken bone, then given 12 stitches. The first thing on his mind was, "Oh, no. Am I going to be able to play my PS3?" And Yes, he still can.
More importantly they say his finger tip should heal fine and that his nail will grow back.
And really, this should keep Joe out of other stupid troubles, wouldn't you say?
Believe it or not, it was his first broken bone ever!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my....sounds painful. I am glad he is okay though! Take care Joe, hope the wound heals fast, and keep yourself outta trouble!
