Friday, January 21, 2011

Thinking of... Hibernation

On this bright sparkling January morning... the sun (wait, what does it really look like, it's been so long) shines warmly. But the looks are very, very deceiving. I took our camera against our back door to take a picture of how cold it actually is outside this morning, from inside. After an hour and a half, the temp is on a climb, now to zero. I believe we are getting a freezing blow right from the arctic. With a heat wave of above 20 (U.P. winter standard) earlier this week, we got snow every day, every minute, it seemed. But now, with the sub-zero temperatures, it's even too cold to snow. Guess our hometown Heikki Lunta winter festivity last weekend must have worked!
Speaking of the winter fest, there is no more update on the dinner party. You can only guess. Once again, with Joe's big extended family, the whole event was like a tornado pass through inside our house, then gone. We forgot, or couldn't take pictures of everything we cooked. I enjoyed making Thai style eggrolls for the first time; Joe grilled teriyaki chicken beautifully despite the difficult condition with cold weather. But no photo evidence.
For those who must know, the result of Spam musubi was positive. In fact, we didn't need to enforce or bribe them to finish the dish. All was gone, voluntarily. Their reaction was first, "Sounds interesting. Suppose we try." Then, "Guess it's not too bad." And finally, "It's actually pretty good." Now the question is... how often do we need to eat Spam musubi?? Is it something we make our tradition? That feels like too much to think about right now... 'cause all I can think of today is how smart those wild animals that have long gone hibernation are!! I just came out of hibernation myself... after sleeping off a mild achy case of flue. And I'm not intending to go back... not the flue/ cold.
P.S. We are still saving our first trip to the Spam aisle.


  1. You guys must come and experience the whole spam thing in person. Oh, I forgot to mention, we also have a spam/rice/egg breakfast at McDonalds! Isn't that cool? lol

  2. OMG!! that's just wrong! is what came out of joe's mouth. he is open to many things and tastes, but not so flexible when it comes to breakfast menus. the whole japanese eating rice and soup and salad plus natto for breakfast thing is very strange for him. so adding spam isn't helping...
    he's cooking breakfast right now: bacon, sausage, potatoes, eggs, and toast.
