Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spam Musubi?!

A long story short, in the past we made a big mistake of laughing about Spam and the Hawaiian. This Christmas our wonderful friends in Hawaii sent us everything we need to make their beloved "Spam musubi." It's a rice ball with a slice of Spam.
Today our little town is celebrating Heikki Lunta winter festival with a firework display later on if the weather permits. We are having Joe's big and extended family over for dinner. We managed to include Spam musubi on the menue, so everyone can try.
Here's Joe skillfully making his Spam musubi.

Can't wait for everyone to try these....
We at least felt obligated to sample before offering to anyone. It was... not bad, actually pretty good after the second bite... even Joe admitted.
Yukiyo, are you happy??


  1. Great job Kayo and Joe!!! I must say, I might have eaten more Spam Musubi's in my lifetime than you guys, but I think Joe just broke my record for number of Spam Musubi's made at home. He put the musubi's together so nicely too! Are you sure you haven't been making (eating) them your whole life Joe? lol I think you will make even Matt's grandma proud. Matt said you guys did a great job too. :-)

  2. we are very glad to meet your approval. the last thing we wanted to do (having made fun of hawaiian spam culture already) was to screw up making of spam musubi. phew.
    well, now you guys can come visit us anytime and won't have to miss spam musubi!!
