Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mark's First Deer: Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving morning Joe took his youngest brother Mark out deer hunting. I was so glad that I went along with them to take tiniest part in Mark's very first shot at a deer. A respectable three-point (a spike horn and a half to be exact). It was almost 11:30 a.m., after my morning nap and some reading I was starting to think of my uneventful deer hunting blog entry when we heard the shot. Practically right behind Joe's blind.
Here's Mark, the proud deer hunter, still a bit in shock.

Soon he realized how much work there was to be done. It was also my first time to be there when a deer was shot. After the deer was dragged to a suitable spot, Joe, again for his very first time, took the honor of gutting out the deer. All he'd ever done was to help and watch his dad. Joe did a pretty good job, though we have no bloody picture. Too sacred to be photographed.
Safely back at Joe's parents' house with the deer. Here's a snap shot of Mark and his first buck with proud Dad and Joe.
In a couple of hours we'll celebrate Thanksgiving in a proper way: we're going over to have turkey dinner with Joe's family. Everyone will be there. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Mark on his first catch! Happy Thanksgiving Haara's!
