Saturday, November 20, 2010

Deer Season: Day 6

No deer.... No significant snow fall yet, either. Dust of snow to make our north woods pretty. Like the picture bellow from my solo Ironwood trip earlier in the week, we certainly enjoy watching wild creatures around here.
Today I joined Joe in his blind. We walked into the woods in the dark, settled in the blind, and waited for it to get lighter outside. It was very quiet, but then you hear every subtle noise... like snow flakes falling on the roof of the blind, squirrel's footsteps, birds flying, birds pecking. I was very glad Joe knew what made every little noise from his years of experience. Otherwise, I would have been spooked by every little nose out there!
Here's me, all bundled up with 8-9 layers of clothing of all sorts. Not so much in the morning, but I sure slept good in the afternoon. My butt was quite happy to get out of my chair at the end of the day though. The biggest creature we saw today was a grouse. Oh well.


  1. oh, it's so pretty out there already!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. come on up!
    we have to warn you that it's really cold.
