Monday, November 29, 2010

Deck the Hall

We decorated our tree tonight with a bunch of new ornaments. I've liked our antique glass bulbs, but we have other ornaments, too. A nice change. Definitely our pine tree has grown, quite a bit droopier now.
Last year Joe was given a cute set of pool ball ornaments. So he decorated his little pine tree with them. The tree is perfect in size this year.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mark's First Deer: Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving morning Joe took his youngest brother Mark out deer hunting. I was so glad that I went along with them to take tiniest part in Mark's very first shot at a deer. A respectable three-point (a spike horn and a half to be exact). It was almost 11:30 a.m., after my morning nap and some reading I was starting to think of my uneventful deer hunting blog entry when we heard the shot. Practically right behind Joe's blind.
Here's Mark, the proud deer hunter, still a bit in shock.

Soon he realized how much work there was to be done. It was also my first time to be there when a deer was shot. After the deer was dragged to a suitable spot, Joe, again for his very first time, took the honor of gutting out the deer. All he'd ever done was to help and watch his dad. Joe did a pretty good job, though we have no bloody picture. Too sacred to be photographed.
Safely back at Joe's parents' house with the deer. Here's a snap shot of Mark and his first buck with proud Dad and Joe.
In a couple of hours we'll celebrate Thanksgiving in a proper way: we're going over to have turkey dinner with Joe's family. Everyone will be there. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Deer Season: Day 6

No deer.... No significant snow fall yet, either. Dust of snow to make our north woods pretty. Like the picture bellow from my solo Ironwood trip earlier in the week, we certainly enjoy watching wild creatures around here.
Today I joined Joe in his blind. We walked into the woods in the dark, settled in the blind, and waited for it to get lighter outside. It was very quiet, but then you hear every subtle noise... like snow flakes falling on the roof of the blind, squirrel's footsteps, birds flying, birds pecking. I was very glad Joe knew what made every little noise from his years of experience. Otherwise, I would have been spooked by every little nose out there!
Here's me, all bundled up with 8-9 layers of clothing of all sorts. Not so much in the morning, but I sure slept good in the afternoon. My butt was quite happy to get out of my chair at the end of the day though. The biggest creature we saw today was a grouse. Oh well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Deer Huntin'

Yesterday was the first day of deer season. Joe got up at 5 and the guys were out in their blinds way before dawn. A very exciting time. Joe said he saw small birds, squirrels, even a proud fluffed up grouse to whom a female grouse paid no attention, and no deer. Still, he enjoyed the time being out there in nature. Once again this morning, he and his dad are already out sitting in the blinds -Day 2.
Last night I cooked venison curry over jasmine rice to celebrate. It was also my brother's birthday (the 16th), Japan time.

So we had a candle lit tiny cheese cake for him. Happy Birthday, Yoshi!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Joe's Home Sweet Home for Deer Season

Yap, 'tis that time again. For the first time this season Kayo got to check out guys' hunting spots. It was a beautiful fall day to be out in the woods. We baited a little more and did some final adjustments to the blinds.
Here's Joe's blind. Here's the perspective from the deer's stand point at the bait pile.
This is a buck rub, a very nice one, right by brother Mark's blind. The size of the tree trunk tells that the deer is a good size buck with a very nice set of antlers.
Lastly we stopped and checked out the old hunting spots, where Joe's dad had hunted for over 40 years, and even Joe for 20. The photo below shows where we parked the truck and took the wooded trail only last year. It doesn't look like anything we remember. Very sad.
But they found beautiful new spots not too far from the old ones this year, with some good deer signs. Good luck!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

Not much excitement for Halloween... I had to work till 7:30 p.m., missing all the trick-or-treat actions. At least we carved our pumpkins the night before.Joe's sister Anne was there to watch us. We had fun visiting till past midnight!
The big bowl full of candies in the morning. Joe went through about the half with our trick-or-treaters. The leftover will serve us well in our lunch bags and for deer season.