Monday, October 11, 2010

Partridge Huntin'

It was a beautiful warm weekend, with most of fall color gone. Yet, in the air you could smell that earthy sweetness of autumn. Saturday I went along with guys bird hunting. And, surprise!! we actually saw a bunch of partridges. Even more surprise! they shot three birds.
Here's Joe's first prize. My only past bird hunting experience was to flush a few birds, so hearing a dead bird flap its wings to me was a bit nerve wrecking. His brother Mark managed to shoot one, then Joe another one. But I think a gold star goes to Joe's dad for spotting many more birds in the almost impossible woodsy background.
Then we drove down to Ironwood Theatre and saw an incredible performance by the Clearwater Hot Club with a Dutch violinist Tim Kliphuis for quite a contrasting experience. On the refreshing cool evening their gypsy jazz music was certainly hot!

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