Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Good Bye, Trout Season

The trout season is officially coming to an end. A sad time for Joe, though he now looks forward to his deer season. We just lost one of Joe's uncles who had loved coming up north for deer hunting. We drove 8 hours to attend his funeral, which was a heartfelt big family reunion. Next day, Saturday, we went fishing for the last time this season. We didn't catch any big enough fish, but got to see some fall color in the woods. It had since rained (not mentioning the gusty wind) and the color has gotten even brighter. Yes!! It's getting cold up here. The night temperatures can dip down below the freezing point any day now. Joe still has some insulation to put up in the attic!!

1 comment:

  1. The beautiful season of 'fall', boy do I miss you so. Hope Joe has fun during his deer hunting season too.
