Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where's the Spring?

After a couple of days of spring/summer last week (with temps up to 60s, almost 70!!) we are again back to winter, accompanied by the heavy, wet, slushy snow. It started snowing sometime during the night before yesterday, and hasn't stopped since. The picture below is from this morning when Joe was leaving for work. Most kids had a snow day!
Less than a week before the first day of trout stream fishing season (this Saturday)... and our current weather focast for the weekend plainly sucks for fishermen. Cold thunder showers. Let's hope our weather guys are wrong!!


  1. Wow, I can't believe it! It's almost May! But again, remember Kayo-chan? The day I hit the deer and drove into ditch somewhere up there was also in April!!! Bring back the fun memory of the car trouble and lots of funny pictures :)))

  2. I'll never forget!! I'm glad you now think it was all fun. Yes, March and April up here can be unpredictable, when you think winter is almost over with.
