Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter Fishin'

Finally, this weekend we went out for fishing. Even though the night time temp fell below the freezing point and the northerly wind still present, Joe could no longer wait. We actually got up earlier than workdays, put many layers of winter gear, almost caught the sunrise... stood and waited patiently for any signs of fish... for almost three hours, till we got too cold and hungry. (Note the thin layer of ice on the rocks.) We both agreeed that it was an excellent first fishing trip of the season... except for NO FISH!!


  1. Congrats on catching no fish!!! LOL!! Actually, catching a fish is not really important. The process of fishing is the beauty of it all!!

  2. By the way, the above comment is by Kozue using my boy's account, LOL! I didn't know his name will show up there, lol.

  3. Kozue- that's funny, but we could usually figure out it's you from your signature "lol" and almost hear your laughs...which we often miss. But you're so right about fishing!!
