Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Gone Fishin' Not Catchin'

No videos today... sorry.
Yesterday after dinner we went out to Joe's usual fishing stream. Our official first day of trout fishing. The water was plenty high as expected and FAST. We were hoping to see (& catch) steelhead (a larger version of rainbow trout that live in the big lake, aka Lake Superior, and come upstream to spawn this time of the year). But... no fish!!!

Still, it was wonderful to spend a little time on the stream before the sun went down. It was even more promising to notice some signs of spring... trout lilies and wild leeks sprouting... hey! ALMOST all the snow was gone, too!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Dead River Falls

Despite this Saturday being the opening day of trout season, Joe didn't go out for fishing. We had quite a display of thunder & lightening the night before, and more storm systems were forcasted throughout the weekend... fish don't bite when the weather is unstable. Besides it was pretty chilly.
But yesterday we went to check out some waterfalls nearby, not to miss the spring run-off.
The name Dead River is a bad translation of "River of Spirits" in the Native American language. Especially in that misty weather yesterday, the "River of Spirits" seemed far better fit. We hope you'll enjoy the awesome roar of the river in the following video clip.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where's the Spring?

After a couple of days of spring/summer last week (with temps up to 60s, almost 70!!) we are again back to winter, accompanied by the heavy, wet, slushy snow. It started snowing sometime during the night before yesterday, and hasn't stopped since. The picture below is from this morning when Joe was leaving for work. Most kids had a snow day!
Less than a week before the first day of trout stream fishing season (this Saturday)... and our current weather focast for the weekend plainly sucks for fishermen. Cold thunder showers. Let's hope our weather guys are wrong!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter Fishin'

Finally, this weekend we went out for fishing. Even though the night time temp fell below the freezing point and the northerly wind still present, Joe could no longer wait. We actually got up earlier than workdays, put many layers of winter gear, almost caught the sunrise... stood and waited patiently for any signs of fish... for almost three hours, till we got too cold and hungry. (Note the thin layer of ice on the rocks.) We both agreeed that it was an excellent first fishing trip of the season... except for NO FISH!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Perfect Sunset!?

This Monday we went out to have dinner at Lagniappe to celebrate our 5th (the restaurant is closed on weekends)... no surprise! A routine that we love and enjoy keeping.
Another thing that's no surprise to us was the weather: the temperatures staying around 30-40 with constant strong northerly wind. After dinner we took a drive out to the Island to view some awesome waves... with a slight hope that we might see a crazy surfer! And there he was!

Note that we were too lazy and COLD to get out of our car. It was cold enough to refreeze the waterlines along the rocky shore. I must say though it was almost a perfect sunset with the silhouette of a surfer... only if it were 40 degrees warmer!!

Uploading Photos

I (Kayo) decided not to wait for my tech assistance (Joe), so I can update some photos today. Nothing too special but worth blogging... so we thought when we snapped these pictures. We had another Japanese meal on Joe's birthday weekend to finish off the leftover sushi rolls. I hardly cook Japanese meals, but then I had to stay with the Japanese theme. Buckwheat noodle to accompany the sushi rolls. I love themes!A good batch of ribs is my passion (in case you haven't figured out). I couldn't pass a very good deal on spareribs for last Sunday. And Joe did an excellent job cooking them.... probably one of his best ever! So was the BBQ sauce he jazzed up.

Monday, April 6, 2009

More Reading

No photos today....
We finished "Angels and Demons" last week and had to go get "The Da Vinci Code" and started reading right away. Joe reads out loud, and Kayo listens, questions, then Joe answers, resumes reading...checks on Kayo to see she is still awake.... It's a perfect thing to do in the evening, since it's still pretty cold outside with that North Wind for a comfortable walk or an attempt to stand on the breakwall to fish. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.