Tuesday, December 14, 2021

10 Days Till Christmas!?

Honestly, I've had much more hectic holiday seasons mostly due to my retail work environment. It's been busy enough, but I have good helpers and the workplace is managing to stay in good spirit... mostly. Still, time seems to fly by even faster this time of the year. I finally printed our holiday cards last week. Now they are dry and ready to be mailed out!
So, our cards were printed, presents picked... and, of course, our first official snow storm of season happened last weekend.
With plenty of goofing off in-between (oh, we are out Christmas shopping in town, let's stop and grab something yummy to eat!), we are slowly checking off our list. 
P.S. Joe hunted till the last day of rifle deer season as much as he could. He saw deer every day he was out... but toward the end his bucks became very illusive. Joe decided not to hunt any further. Good thing he had a chance to pull out all his gear before the snowstorm. There's always next year!

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