Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Fall Salmon Season!

This weekend we got up like work days to go fishing... and it paid off! Saturday started out slow, but Joe was surprised by catching our fist salmon of the season at the end of our trip when we were giving up. Sunday was another beautiful morning... first I landed this 20" coho salmon right away.  

Then soon after, Joe caught this 23" fish... we assumed was another coho, but with closer inspection it turned out to be a steelhead (aka rainbow trout). This one displayed quite a show, jumping and dancing, which warned all other fish to stay put. The rest of the trip was rather quiet, though we enjoyed checking out extra stretches with Joe's cousin, who must have been our lucky charm!
We couldn't waste what's left of summer-like weather this weekend, either. We explored some more of the lake shore, following narrow paths past where we were 2 weekends ago.
Truly, Nature makes us feel small... and to think our fish were swimming in this Big Lake before running up their birth river.

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