Sunday, May 16, 2021

Spring Might Be Here!!

I just got my second Moderna shot on Wednesday, so I tried to be hydrated and take it easy. I missed fishing on Saturday morning,  but couldn't waste the beautiful U.P. spring weather entirely. We drove eastward along the lake shore this time. Found two hands full of morel mushrooms at our old spots, plus forest floors filled with trillium.
Put another 250 miles yesterday to take a day trip to the other Grand Marais, this time in MI. We got to take part in the first official day of "back to normal,  mostly" at a bar.
Today, another gorgeous spring day, we played on our home ground. Still, enchanted by the sweet smell of trailing arbutus in woods.
Amused by yet another small part of the same big lake. We swear it was too nice a weekend to do housework....  Hopefully we both got recharged enough for another week of work!

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