Thursday, April 29, 2021

Cabin Fever, Fishing Fever

Where did April go?! 
Part of the reason is that Joe got promoted to the location manager when his boss retired, so he's been a little occupied... in a good way.
And I had my first shot of Covid vaccine 2 weeks ago. My reactions were certainly not severe but delayed, which caught me off guard. I ended up sleeping 2 days last week. I'm all better now and planning to enjoy this weekend.
The last two weeks the weather up here has been up and down, too. We had some 60 degree weather 2 weekends ago... but then lost count of how many times we had snow since. Wet snow that melts in a day or so... nothing unusual in April here. Actually we are quite happy this year that all the snow in woods has been gone before the opening day of trout season (last Saturday). And big fish (steelhead and salmon) are up in rivers to spawn. We'll be going fishing whenever we get chance. 

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