Monday, March 29, 2021

Joe's Birthday

This Friday we both took a day off and enjoyed a few of our favorites around town. It was also Joe's youngest brother Mark's birthday, so we celebrated together over dinner and candle lit bread pudding.
Somehow earlier in the day Joe ended up getting us furniture at an antique shop on his birthday. We had been looking for a bit more grown up piece to replace our $20 bookcase. 
It happened to come in two pieces, so the other piece replaced our stacked antique wooden crates as bookcases in the living room. We totally forgot to take "before" pictures... 
The weather this weekend was not spring-like. Hard to believe just previous weekend we were walking on the lakeshore in the 60 degrees temperature in Ironwood.
We woke up to about 5 inches of wet snow Sunday morning. Well, its still March....

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