Sunday, June 28, 2020

Fun Weekend

Since we were going away this weekend, we went to Apple Creek on Thursday evening. You can tell no picture worthy fish were caught. But it is amazing how tall the ferns have grown. It's jungle out there!
We had a wonderful stay and visit in Ironwood this weekend, eating the best gyros by Lake Superior shore, checking out our favorite antique shop, and tech-supporting P&J's new cell phones. A young black bear even paid a visit one evening! (No good picture from the trip, either...)
Today was another warm day, so we skipped fishing and came home early enough to walk our usual beach. The weekend was fun, and we cherished much normalcy... Small things in life. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Where Did June Disappear?

We are still alive! As the restrictions due to the coronavirus start to be lifted, our workplaces seem to get more hectic. Our trout stream got greener (plus lots more bugs). I vaguely remember losing a couple of nice fish at the falls. Had some rock picking beach time. 
Even on a weekday we've enjoyed yakiniku. 
And Joe FINALLY got a haircut! It was a long wait, considering he needed one back in March. Such small normal things we appreciate.... Our favorite bakery is back in action as normal as we can ask for right now. Last Saturday we actually walked in, looked what's available, ordered (with masks on), and proceeded to sit and enjoyed our morning coffee and croissants. Mmmmmm.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

When You Can't Get What You Want

We would have gone out for dinner tonight, or even had a takeout as our current choice, but it seems... between the remaining effect of the shutdown and soaring meat costs, our two go-to favorites were NOT available. So we ate in. Quite well actually. Grilled steak and asparagus with roasted veggies. The main event was the dessert. Rhubarb strawberry galette, basically a rustic pie, made from the first pick of our garden rhubarb. Everything was as good as eating out.