Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Winter Is Here

It's been a while... but we are still alive! My work is getting busier for the holiday season, and Joe is going out to bait his hunting spots often after work. We managed to take a trip westward in late October. We got to have our fix of best Gyros from Ashland, WI, and a relaxing visit in Ironwood. The Big Lake was roaring with strong northwestern winds mixed with snow. Brrrrrr. 
So came Winter. It is still hard to believe the opening day of deer season is in two days. The woods became a winter wonderland.

And it is the season for hot pot  (nabe) dinners. We've been enjoying nabe about a couple times a week. Also we found some persimmons at a store. Joe really liked persimmons last time we were in Japan, so he was thrilled to have some again. 

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