Saturday, November 18, 2017

Day 2

Thursday, Day 2 of Deer Season, I spent my day off with Joe in his deer blind, vacationing. Not a typical vacation though. Getting up at 5:30 a.m., throwing on every winter clothes you own, walking into woods in a pitch dark, then spending the rest of day sitting in a chair you had to bring in. I say this every season, but deer hunting is work. 
We sure had spectacular views from our window. We even saw several deer, mostly in the morning. Not much happened after lunch, probably because I snored. Yes, I did catch some z's. 
Then right at dusk, a mama deer and a junior came back before a pencil-point spike showed up briefly. I couldn't even see his spikes in the fading light, they were so skinny. Joe wasn't to take him anyway. He is really hoping for this beautiful 6-point that had been on his camera. Up until the night before opening day.... Joe's buck fever is setting in. 

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Deer Season, Already!

Today was the opening day of deer season, Joe's sacred holiday. Out the door he went in the dark before 6 a.m. A couple of weeks ago a strong wind storm went through and, of course, took down a few trees in Joe's trail to his deer blind. He had to chop and move them. 
Not related to the subject, but every deer season I seem to crave rice and miso soup breakfast. I have much more alone time in the morning, and miso soup isn't exactly Joe's kind of breakfast. Maybe because I only have this once a year, it tasted darn good.
When Joe came home from a long cold wet day of hunting, we had sukiyaki for dinner. To celebrate the first day of hunting and seeing 3 doe, 1 spike, and 1 buck who was 4-point but now 2-point (apparently he lost a fight with a bigger buck). A pretty exciting day. I am crazy enough to plan on going out with Joe tomorrow. Wish me luck for catching lots of Z's.