Sunday, June 18, 2017

Rainy Father's Day

Today we were really hoping to get back to Apple Creek in honor of Joe's dad for Father's Day. That meant biking the dirt road carrying our fishing gear, somehow, and we were well determined to tackle the challenge. But the weather did not cooperate. It rained all day. So we just went to one of our usual spots. We both caught a few small trout, but fish were not biting hard. Just enough for us to be hopeful and stay out in the rain to catch bigger ones, only ending up to lose our lures. I lost 2 today, my first 2 this season so far. Still glad we went, so we didn't have to wonder how fishing would have been.
Definitely good thing we had our yakitori dinner planned, even if Joe had to set up inside the garage again.
Our second time went a lot more smoothly.
A little more prepared, with various veggies and filling side dishes. Joe still needs to learn how to eat while grilling though. We'll need to practice soon again!

We wish all great Dads out there a happy Father's Day.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Yakitori Party- Practice Run

Joe got himself a Japanese style yakitori grill (shichirin)  from ever so convenient Amazon. It showed up at our door on Tuesday, and next day (yesterday) we had to give it a try. Of course, our new grill brought a stormy weather, so Joe had to set it up in our garage in case it started raining (and good thing he did).
Our practice run went well. There were things to learn and tweak, but we are more than happy to practice and eat tasty chicken pieces on skewers.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Fish Bites, Bug Bites

Last Sunday I landed a 16" Brown. The biggest trout so far for me. It was overcast and predicted for wind to switch. We opted for a quick early morning outing on the stretch of a river I hadn't fished. As the river twisted and turned, it was like turning new pages of a book. I was really not expecting much... then this big Brown surfaced from the dark water. It gave a little bit of fight, which was definitely exciting! I'm not all that comfortable holding this big twitching fish, therefore I'm holding it out for just enough time for Joe to snap this picture. And there was a scream or two, "Hurry, hurry, hurrrrrrrrry!"
Today (Friday) after work we couldn't waste such a beautiful evening, so we went back fishing. The grass got a lot taller and bugs and flies thicker than 5 days ago. I got far more mosquito bites than fish bites. I was almost tempted to smoke a cigar to keep bugs away, when Joe reminded me that this was only the beginning of bug season.
It was still fun to be able to look into the underwater. Joe saw a huge fish laying underneath a log. Maybe next time! 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Joe's Power Wash

Spring is slowly advancing around here. May was a little chilly, and it probably took a whole month for trees to bud out. Our apple tree is in bloom finally.
The reason I went outside with my camera yesterday was actually to document this below: Our shiny silver Subaru seems to attract bird poo. When I got off work yesterday, I noticed three big splatters. Not again!
This time it required Joe's enormous squirt gun to give Subaru a power wash. And it worked! Thanks to Joe's toy.