Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Joe Got a Deer!

Yesterday was the opening day of deer season. Usually not much happens on Day 1, but Joe saw a couple of bucks in the morning, then just before lunch heard two bigger bucks fight clunking their antlers in the nearby woods. Exciting. After lunch he shot this respectable 4-pointer. Though he only had 1 deer tag this year, with only limited days to hunt, he decided not to wait for the more illusive trophy buck.
His deer cam happened to capture his deer the day before.
The first day of deer season became Joe's last for this year, but he had an interesting deer encounter when we were in Nara, where the Great Buddha stands. The city is famous for their wild deer population... well, the tourism helped these wild creatures tamed and bold. Joe was carrying a paper shopping bag when a couple of deer attacked and ate parts of the bag. 
The interesting thing Joe noticed about his deer that he shot was that its antlers stood strait up just like those of the Nara deer. Usually the deer around here have more curved and spread antlar shapes.
Temperatures are still staying well above the freezing point, so Joe has to get his deer processed right away.

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