Sunday, July 24, 2016

Little Beaver Lake Trail

We coordinated our weekend off work/ off call together for this weekend, and miraculously the weather turned decent and summer-like. We took our Subaru for a little adventure in the Pictured Rock National Park. Joe definitely had fun driving it on the nice winding road.
We hiked on the Little Beaver Lake trail out to Lake Superior for the first time. The old Indian caves were very mystical with smoke stains, almost like traveling back in time.
Once we got to the beach, it almost felt like we were in Hawaii.... except there were a lot fewer people and no salt water. Trees were wrong, too. The temps were between 75 and 85. The humidity had come down nicely from the previous two days. A very enjoyable beach day! We acquired some rocks for our new Subaru, too.

We actually went out fishing in the morning, though there wasn't much to write about. Fish were not cooperative. So we ended up playing hard all day, from before 8 a.m. and didn't get home till 9:30 at night. We were exhausted... in a very good way.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Catch Up on July

July is flying by... even though we've been quiet on the blog, we were still fishing whenever we could. The above picture was Joe's catch from the 4th of July. The following weekend I caught an 11" brown, which became part of my brunch.
Since, the fish have gotten a lot more picky. I almost emptied my whole tackle box looking for a different lure to try fishing with, yet no bite. One thing stays true: Apple Creek is just as lovely as always.
On the side note, I'd been working on a logo project for our wonderful local treasure, Snowbound Books, now owned by our friend D. We used the store building as a base design, and this is where we ended up with. I enjoyed this creative ride, the fun and the challenge. It's good to get my creative juice going every once in a while....