Saturday, April 30, 2016

"Before" and "After"

The weather has significantly improved up here since the beginning of April. All that snow is mostly gone. My hair was definitely too loooong. It was once again time for Locks of Love. My head is now a half pound lighter!
And today was the opening day of trout season. A chilly but beautiful day. I had to work unfortunately, but got to enjoy listening to Joe's story of missing a nice steelhead. We believe Spring is here.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Dragon Rolls & Placemats

This week I had a Tuesday off, and for no apparent reason, I made sushi rolls for dinner. As well as a couple of different tuna rolls, I made dragon rolls, shrimp tempura and eel sauce and all. I guess we were celebrating Spring. It really continued snowing since the first of April up until a couple of days ago. After a total accumulation of over 3 feet, the sun finally came out bright and warm. Now that's something to celebrate about.
I finished our new colorful placemats on my trusty knitting loom. I'd been looking for replacements for a while, but hadn't seen anything I really liked at stores. Perfect with our Fiesta dinnerware.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Snowy April

One of those things.... When March started out mild and melted most of the snow, I knew deep in my heart that Winter could return with April. It started snowing on Friday (April 1st) and, except on Monday, hasn't stopped. Over the weekend we probably got 15 inches of snow and are currently on the second round, at least 10 more inches so far. Did I mention it's still snowing as I type? It is hard to believe 3 weekends ago Joe was sitting in the green chair (below pic) outside to enjoy his cigar in his shorts.
Meantime, we think of cherry blossoms that we are missing in Japan. The snow covered tree branches ALMOST look like full of white blossoms. Happy Spring, everyone!