Sunday, January 31, 2016

Play Day in Snow

It was a very nice day today with almost no wind. A perfect day to go outside and play. We decided to take a snowshoe hike in the woods, checking out some fresh rabbit tracks.
When we came home, we still had enough energy left. We (Kayo with Joe's help) made a snowman as tall as Kayo. Joe worked on the middle section, which he lifted by himself.
Since we were getting wet, we said "why not we get a little wetter by going up the hill for sledding?" Not our best or fastest sledding, but still plenty of fun. I think we'll sleep really good tonight.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Pancake Breakfast

On this lazy Sunday morning we decided to make pancakes for breakfast. We wanted to try coconut syrup that our friends in Hawaii sent us. Sweet 'n slightly salty coconut flavor was just enough for us to day-dream about our time in Hawaii. It went very good with bacon, too. We then enjoyed our Hawaiian coffee (thanks KK!) to really start the day right. Not much planed for the day except for the movie "The Revenant" this afternoon.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year

Happy New Year! I wanted something special for the New Year's Day, so I baked cinnamon rolls for breakfast. A perfect treat to go with our morning cups of coffee. We also made a small batch of Spam musubi to bring to a New Year party. A good way to start the year.
Finally on Sunday we had our new year tradition of sukiyaki. The right step in the new year! We wish everyone a happy and healthy year.