Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Almost Christmas

Somebody fixed our blog site for uploading pictures! No more cut 'n paste, tiny pictures. Anyway, we just wanted to catch up some since Thanksgiving. Joe deer hunted only weekend days, due to his new job, and Kayo once joined him on the last Sunday of the season (29th). The pretty snow covered photo was taken from his deer blind. Around 4:30pm the two does (regular appearances on camera) walked in briefly, then took off abruptly because rain drops would hit on the deer blind top and make unfamiliar noises.

It's still hard to believe Christmas is only next week. We managed to get most of the gifts wrapped, cards made and addressed, and our potted pine tree lit and decorated. In case you're wondering, Joe's leg lamp is up all year around. The only thing left on our Christmas to-do list is to make cookies, including leg lamp cookies, of course.

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