Friday, October 16, 2015

This Week

The temperatures went from 80 degrees on Sunday to the 30s and the first snow flurries today. A crazy weather week, including water spouts (basically tornados) over Lake Superior on Thursday. And this week we said good-bye to Joe's Subaru with almost 200K miles on it. Joe spent many hours fixing and caring for her all the years we owned, but she was a very good car.
Today was my birthday, and I got to celebrate it my way, low-key, enjoying little things I love around town with Joe. A brunch and dessert at our favorite Cajun restaurant, a stop at our favorite book store, and a stroll through downtown. For dinner Joe grilled some steak, served with a simple salad and a bottle of red wine. A perfect birthday (including all the well wishes from near and afar plus the first snow). My heart giggles still when I get to see a tiny bit of snow on my birthday like today!

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