Saturday, October 31, 2015


Yesterday was Joe's last day at his old job of 18 years before starting a new job on Monday. We celebrated with spicy tuna rolls and coconut shrimp, also as part of our Halloween feast.
After dinner we carved our pumpkins. It might be a moist Halloween, not white though. Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Surprise Bird Hunting

Yesterday we took a walk in the woods where Joe deer hunts. It was very pretty with red and orange leaves on the white snow.
On our drive out Joe almost ran over a ruffed grouse. Since it's bird season, Joe had his shotgun in the truck just in case. The bird cooperated and stayed around. It seems that Nature offers its offerings when least expected. It was very exciting.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


Saturday morning we had a thin layer of snow on cars, roofs, and grass. Just enough to turn everything white, but all melted the same day.

Friday, October 16, 2015

This Week

The temperatures went from 80 degrees on Sunday to the 30s and the first snow flurries today. A crazy weather week, including water spouts (basically tornados) over Lake Superior on Thursday. And this week we said good-bye to Joe's Subaru with almost 200K miles on it. Joe spent many hours fixing and caring for her all the years we owned, but she was a very good car.
Today was my birthday, and I got to celebrate it my way, low-key, enjoying little things I love around town with Joe. A brunch and dessert at our favorite Cajun restaurant, a stop at our favorite book store, and a stroll through downtown. For dinner Joe grilled some steak, served with a simple salad and a bottle of red wine. A perfect birthday (including all the well wishes from near and afar plus the first snow). My heart giggles still when I get to see a tiny bit of snow on my birthday like today!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Autumn Explosion

This past weekend we had a beautiful warm summer-like weather. We took a hike in the colorful woods and climbed up Sugarloaf Mt. to enjoy fall colors from many different perspectives. All the while we wished we had put on our shorts! Still, you could smell the autumn in the woods.
We also enjoyed Joe's salmon, turned into sushi rolls.
This has been a good year for both apples and pumpkins around here. Joe's uncle picked loads of wild apples and harvested lots of pumpkins. I made an apple pie and homemade vanilla ice cream, which we've been enjoying for dessert and breakfast!
We've already had frost on and off. Now they are predicting some snow for the weekend. The seasonal changes are just about right on track.