Friday, August 21, 2015

Brother Yoshi's Visit

Summer is passing by... but we've been blessed with a series of beautiful summer days. Last week we had Yoshi visiting from Japan and got to enjoy many fun activities around our home, majorly involving food and drinks. The whole week was fairly relaxing. A couple of nights Joe made us a fire, and we watched some meteor showers in the sky. We also went to a sandy beach in our swimsuits (thinking it was almost like being in Hawaii). We covered all our local favorite eateries and breweries, including the blue taco truck.
We did some hike and sightseeing, of course.

Took a cruise along the Pictured Rocks National Park Lakeshore.
And we enjoyed some fine dining at home, including waffle for breakfast and grilled chicken fajita.

The last night Yoshi was here, he and Joe had a pool match. Clearly Joe needs to practice more before Yoshi's next visit.

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