Sunday, July 26, 2015

Recent Fishing Adventures

These pictures were from last Sunday when we took our "wild goose chase" fishing misadventure. Many moons ago, probably over 50 years ago, Joe's dad, uncles, and relatives used to follow a railroad glade to a beaver pond for "quick" fishing trips. That's what Joe had been told, but he had never actually been shown. So on his first time "attempt" to fish this said pond he ended up brushing tall summer grass and the 50 years worth of growth for almost an hour and a half in the 80s. We finally got to the water, though it was hardly fishable because of lily pads and still water. Joe just didn't know how far more we needed to go on to get to the part where the cold spring-fed water was.

Of course, I had more fun in this wild fishing adventure. For the thrill of unknown. I must admit it felt a little silly carrying our fishing poles for the whole time.
At least yesterday (Saturday) we went fishing with Joe's cousin on our beloved Apple Creek.
We each caught a couple of tiny trout, except for Al who showed off his skill by catching two nice brook trout and missing another nice one. But none of us lost a lure, and the morning on the stream was absolutely beautiful, and the woods magical. A perfect fishing adventure!

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