Tuesday, June 30, 2015

When It's Cold Outside...

We've had decent weather (temps around 70s, which is our summer) and easily gotten used to wear sandals. The 4th of July looks to be nice, reaching 80, but before the weekend we are having the effect of the cold front from north. I'm pretty sure it started out in the 40s this morning and stayed cool and breezy all day.
I just made an awesome noodle dish with warm spicy soy-milk-based soup, which I hardly followed a recipe for. The bowl was complete, topped with slices of chashu (braised pork belly) that I had made. Not much else could have made me happier than slurping warm noodles on this cold day, despite the fact that it's the last day of June in the middle of summer.
Joe's been fishing whenever he gets a chance. I had my chance this Sunday, but chickened out because of mosquitoes and other biting flies. Besides trout fishing really hasn't gotten good (the catching that is) yet.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

In honor of Father's Day today, Joe cooked up a batch of BBQ ribs for our dinner. It was so good.
Joe also paid a visit to Apple Creek in the morning. No fish. Lots and lots of mosquitoes. I still would have liked to have been on the stream, not at work.
Fishing and ribs, we decided, was the perfect combo to celebrate Joe's dad. Happy Father's Day to all our father figures! 

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Trout, Morels, and Wild Leeks

Yesterday (Sat) I got a text message from Joe asking if I wanted to have leftover curry or fish with morels and wild leeks for dinner. As you might have easily guessed, I said YES to FISH, though I had no idea what kind of fish or where he even went fishing. It turned out three respectful trout from Apple Creek. It was so wonderful to come home from work to a fish dinner!
P.S. We spared you the picture of the fish bones I (Kayo) mostly picked.

Loco Moco

Last week Joe gave his first try at making Loco Moco-- a Hawaiian dish, complete with sides of macaroni salad and rice, just like how we had in Hawaii. It was pretty good, though Joe put too much flour in the gravy this time. A new dish to be added in our repertory (that Joe can cook).
Since we had enough leftover mac, later in the week I made chicken katsu (breaded cutlet) for a plate dinner. Yum. One of those nights we ended the evening with Joe's pina colada. I'm pretty sure our friends in Hawaii would have been proud!