Friday, July 11, 2014

Kozue Was Here

We hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. Unfortunately I worked all weekend long... but definitely had something very special to look forward to. Kozue came to visit us on Sunday for a few days. It was just so nice to hang out and catch up. Of course, it was better with beer. Even better sitting outside with tiki torches.
Sunday Joe cooked his stunt fish (saved in the freezer from previous outings in case fishing with Kozue didn't produce any fish, which was the exact case) and teriyaki chicken on the grill.
Monday I got to have a relaxing girls day (including my first pedicure). After work Joe joined us to go out for dinner, stroll along the lake shore, and local brew on a beautiful evening.
80% chance of rain on Tuesday prevented us from getting on the road, though Joe also took a day off. Instead we went to see a movie "How to Train a Dragon 2," then made gyoza dumplings from scratch for dinner. 
It was a team effort, including Joe making us special rolling pins for making dumpling wrappers. Everything we cooked tasted great, but more importantly we enjoyed the ordinary yet precious time spent together. Next early, early morning Kozue had to head home. We said good bye around 5 and went back to bed, already missing her, yet knowing our bodies would appreciate to have more sleep in place of alcohol!!


  1. Hi guys! Looks like you guys had an awesome time! I got to see some photos that Kozue shared while she was there and wished I was there too! So in one of her photo comments she mentioned you guys had a record player. What kinda setup do you guys have? Matt is really into music too and I thought it would be cool for him to start listening to vinyl. Gosh I wish I could take the whole family and fly out there to see you guys. :-)

  2. Yukiyo- We all wished you had been here for K's visit. As for our setup it just a cobbled together mismatch of electrical junk that puts out some nice sound. All you need is a good receiver a record player and a decent set of speakers.
