Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Traveling with Joe's Mom

We spent a busy but wonderful weekend in Chicago/Milwaukee for Joe's youngest sister Catherine's graduation. She is now a Doctor! It was also quite an adventure: Surviving the Big City with Joe's mom and family!
Just imagine all six of us going places in the Big City, driving and parking a huge Chevy Avalanche. Joe was so glad that he didn't have to be the driver in the city. None of us would have survived.
We visited the Bean... as well as the Art Institute.
Next day before heading for Milwaukee, we got to enjoy the Botanical Garden, through English garden to Japanese garden, desert plants to tropical.
Every place we visited, we couldn't possibly have enough time. Still, we wouldn't have traded this very adventure for anything else. It was priceless to be there for Catherine's graduation, knowing that she will make a wonderful doctor.

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