Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kozue Was Here...

Both Joe and I truly enjoyed having Kozue. As expected, there was too much to do and catch up in too little time. Still, on her last day we managed to relax and enjoy everyday things, like cooking together and chatting in the kitchen over some coffee. Kozue even volunteered to cut our grass, which was overdue.
For dinner we made egg rolls and Thai curry. The curry was alarmingly spicy!
After dinner Joe took us for shooting. Definitely Kozue's first ever experience. We all hit some targets and savored the great ending to our short but action-packed fun time together.  
With Kozue we saw a moose (for Kayo's first time in the UP) and an eagle closer than ever. She must have been our good luck charm. We already miss her... but then we barely caught up with our sleep! For now we promised ourselves not to wait 6 years again to see Kozue next time.

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