Sunday, January 20, 2013

White Blah Witer Party!

 It's a lazy Sunday and staying that way. It's past noon, and the temperature is barely above ZERO. A perfect day for staying in and maybe watching some movies on Netflix and recover from yesterday. It was our hometown winter celebration. It has become our tradition to invite Joe's extended family over for Spam musubi and watch fireworks from our front porch. We busied all day yesterday to get things ready.
Earlier in the day we walked over to Teal Lake (inland lake) to check out the ongoing ice fishing derby in that white blah. 
To Joe's surprise there were some nice fish caught. Joe might just have to go a few blocks to fish his neighborhood lake soon.
Joe was in charge of making the Spam musubi. Once again, it was quite a hit.
I made some sushi rolls. A perfect plate for a party!
On the side (Spam musubi was really the main dish!) was Kaluha style pulled pork.
 And Thai style coleslaw and potato salad.
Still everyone managed to save room for some dessert. To fit the Hawaiian theme, I baked pineapple upside down cakes. Joe's mom baked cherry pies, too. A perfect ending to another good party. Oh, we all got to watch the firework display, standing in the blowng cold. The wind just started to pick up then, but the temperature held up in the 20's. Thank goodness. Happy Witer to all!! 

1 comment:

  1. You guys are so cute making Spam Musubi's and Kaluha Pig and Upside down pineapple cake!! You more Hawaiian than us Haara's!! Did any of these recipes come from our family cookbook? :-) Well, everything looks delicious! We Wish we could have been there as part of your extended family. (I'm sure those spam musubi's never thought they'd be served in zero degree weather though! LOL)
