Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween!

First, we hope the hurricane Sandy didn't cause too much grief in your area. We had strong wind all day today, cold wind, which has just started mixing in some snow this evening. We doubt we'll have too many trick-or-treaters tomorrow due to the frigid weather, yet we wanted to be ready!
Joe and I each had a pumpkin to carve this year. Look how BIG Joe's pumpkin was... Joe looked small. 
Mine was sideways... only to challenge my creativity!
Quite a pair of pumpkins, aren't they?
With the lights off... 
No matter what weather you might have tomorrow, Happy Halloween to everyone!!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Etching Press

This last weekend we took a road trip in the middle-of-nowhere Wisconsin. An art trip to collect an etching press and other printing supplies that I bought. On the way I got to take a few pictures that I want to paint or make prints from.
Since all the stuff wasn't going to fit in our SUV, we had to ask Phil to come along with his Subaru, hoping two vehicles would be suffice.
Almost. The base of the etching press had to go on the roof rack! 
What's lacking in this post is the pictures of us carrying a heaviest part of the press stretcher-style (as Joe would say "Indiana Jones Arc of the Covenant style). Joe, Phil, and me!
At our house we were saved by Joe's cousin Al and a refrigerator dolly. Only this time the thousand pound press went down the stairs.
Here the etching press is all back in one piece at its new home. I got it from Bill, who gave me a two-day crash course in etching some years ago. The press was originally built for Bill's teacher Fred, who I got to know for about a year before he passed, but definitely left me quite an impression. I am honored to have this press with his name on it. Very inspirational! Now I only need to print some!!
P.S. For all the heavy lifting and chauffeuring all weekend long, Joe was rewarded by visiting our beloved Leinie Lodge in Chippewa Falls. We took the tour, had our samples, and did some shopping there. Conveniently my etching press was located in the next city. You might say I bribed Joe with beer!

Kayo's Birthday- Belated Report

Not that we've been especially busy. Usual stuff-- work and everyday things. Still, I managed to miss chance posting about my birthday. October 16th happened to be my day off, so we had everyone over for Joe's BBQ ribs.
And I cooked a pot of cajun beans and rice as a side dish. 
For my birthday cake I asked Joe's mom for her pumpkin pie-- my usual request. She made absolutely from scratch, transforming Uncle's home-grown pumpkins into these beautiful pies. Yummy.... We did light a tiny candle for me to blow, so I'm good to go for another year!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

First Snow!

This morning we woke up to a little wet snow. What I couldn't capture with a camera was how it was snowing pretty hard at times. A perfect day to curl up in blankets and read... was what I wished I had done. Instead I went to work. Joe got to stay in, but is trying to get rid of his cold.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Autumn Pleasure

The day after that legendary salmon fishing, Joe and his cousin went back to the same hole, only to catch the great fall colors. There were no salmon to be found... like the previous day was all dream. They concluded it was probably Joe's dad's spirit playing a trick on them.  
Not too worry. We got plenty of salmon and roes. We feasted on salmon roe and avocado over rice this Tuesday. Very decadent. 
On the side was a spicy shrimp-cucumber stir fry dish. (My mom cooks this dish for New Year's osechi cooking.)
Trout season is officially over. Joe and his guys are starting to get ready for deer season next. Before deer get to feed on, I got some nice pumpkins and squash from Joe's uncle. It turned out to be a beautiful autumn season for us. 
P.S. I heard snow is possible this weekend. A pretty normal timing for the first snow up here.