Monday, September 13, 2010

Lightfoot Bay Preview

This Saturday I'm participating (so is Joe as a wonderful artist's husband) in an art & science field trip for adults to help with art activities. The program takes place at Lightfoot Bay, a remote recently-acquired-public-nature-area. We took a planning trip on Sunday for the first time. There's also a 1920's vintage lodge, and we get to stay there for the weekend to enjoy a mildly rustic camping experience.We walked the shore to check things out... and were informed that there's various wildlife preserved in the area, including moose. We don't get to see much of them, but it's a fact that there are moose in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Sure enough! we spotted moose tracks on the beach.
Definitely not a deer. Look how big the tracks are!! It's going to be a neat experience staying at Lightfoot Bay this weekend.

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