Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend we had such a gorgeous summer-like weather... hard to remember the first couple of days of May with over 2 feet of snow! Apple trees on the back hill blossomed out literally in a day. All spring/summer flowers are happening at once.
Saturday evening we hosted a low-key birthday party for a friend. We didn't even take pictures of the food, but managed to snap an evidence of the good time we had.
We did go fishing both Saturday and Sunday, to find all sorts of pollens in the air as well as mosquitoes. We can't have summer without the bugs. Saturday morning there were so many fish jumping for flies and showing no interest at all in any of our lures. Next day though Kayo caught a 28" female steelhead that was on her way downstream after spawning. She weighed 6.5 lbs! To be fair, once again my line (due to my poor knot tying skills) came detached as I was trying to raise the fish on the bank. So Joe did his best grizzly bear routine to save OUR fish. 
We really couldn't ask for a better weather on the Memorial Day weekend. We fished Apple Creek in honor of Joe's dad and got to enjoy some beautiful summer moments... to kick off our summer months.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Anniversary Weekend

No matter how long, or forever it seems at times, winter persists... spring always happens to some degree around our wedding anniversary. Joe managed to squeeze a couple of days off from work, so we started our weekend on Thursday. Since we were opting for a mini getaway to relax not too far from home, we first enjoyed a pasty picnic on our beach. Hard to believe only a few days ago we were shoveling 3 feet of snow!
Then we drove to Munising (45 minutes east) for an overnight trip. We stayed at the same wonderful place as last year, except this year we made sure their amazing restaurant/bar was open. Lots of businesses up our way close at the end of April for their last chance to relax/recharge before another crazy summer tourist season starts. 
Mmmm.... we tried and enjoyed quite a few exciting dishes over some well crafted cocktails. Very relaxing and enjoyable.
Next day we drove 3 and a half hours the other direction to Ironwood. We went to check out a few waterfalls, which were roaring as expected, and had a nice visit with P&J. 
Sunday as we got close to home... ah, sadly all fun vacations must come to an end... unexpectedly we spotted a moose on the opposite side of the highway. We turned around to take a closer look. He was close enough to the road, you needed to stay in your car. So our weekend adventure ended with a wild note for sure! 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

White May

It snowed and snowed for the first two days of May.... Wet heavy snow. All this snow, we really don't know the exact total accumulation but  close to 3 feet, fell onto the bare ground. 
This is why we never put away winter gears.