Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Eve

unfortunately this is my normal working weekend.  Joe grilled our steak and shrimp for dinner, and it was very tasty. 28 degrees is a grilling weather in winter. 

I didn't make a special dessert, but we toasted with Manhattan a couple hours before midnight. We aren't sure if we can make it to midnight. Happy New Year!!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

WHITE Christmas

This year has flown by so quickly... so did this holiday shopping season for my work. We both worked one last day yesterday and started our super WHITE blizzard Christmas weekend. We are staying home and chilling. Our front window is currently white nothing, and the blizzard is supposed to last all day. It feels like a continuing tradition from the Covid years. 
As busy as we have been, we somehow managed to check off essential things on our holiday to-do list. We probably would have gotten more done... if we didn't stop for treats and libations here and there while running errands.
Also we hear that nasty flu bugs are going around. Wherever you are, whatever weather you are having on this Christmas, have a wonderful time celebrating!