Thursday, November 17, 2022

Hawaii Vacation to Deer Season

Just like that! It's deer season again... and Joe shot a 4-point on the second day yesterday. He didn't wait around this year, since his work prevented him from taking too many days off. 
And what a month! Exactly a month ago, already, we had over a foot of wet snow and left for our vacation on the Big Island. Our time in Hawaii feels like a sweet warm dream, so far away.
We indeed had a great adventure, exploring as much of the unique and diverse island as we could in a short week. We watched a sunset from the highest point in the US, on top of Mauna Kea, 14000ft above sea level. Though unexpected weather with cold mist and snow later on made our star gazing impossible, the Volcano goddess let us have a clear view of Milky Way briefly. 

Even just driving around the island, our mind was blown how quickly the landscape changed, from the powerful and massive volcanos...
To tropical paradise. 
So much more to explore, not enough time! Finally the last two days of our stay, we took it easy and enjoyed relaxing and floating in the lagoon at our hotel. 
We miss our wonderful view of the ocean to wake up to each morning. But what we miss the most would be all those colorful fish we could watch from the shore... even on our morning walk to grab a coffee. Well, Joe did not win the lottery, so "a hui hou," till we meet again, Hawaii.