Friday, September 30, 2022

Last Two Days of Trout Season

We've been taking extra fishing trips in the last few weeks, chasing fall salmon. No salmon caught, but enough large brown trout. Still, we were not expecting this monster, a 24" brown, on my first cast last evening. The truth was... the fish almost got away if Joe hadn't pounced on, grab, and throw it onto the bank, just like a hungry grizzly bear. All because I didn't tie my lure correctly, yet again! And no, I do not feel comfortable at all holding a fish this big!
Today was officially the last day of trout season, so we both took a day off from work. We savored one last time to to be on Apple Creek in the morning sun. No room to complain about not catching any salmon. We had plenty of fun catching a few decent size trout.
Fall colors are popping out.
It was a pleasant fall day to be outside. After walking back to the truck (starving) and taking a lunch break, we even went to one another spot to try catching a salmon. No luck. On our way home we gave thanks to Fish God for another fun season.
For dinner we put together homemade pizzas. Not a shabby day, enjoying simple things in life. It is hard to believe that we have only 19 days till we leave for the Big Island. Here comes October! 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

"Dark Arts" and Autumn

Joe calls fly fishing "Dark Arts" of fishing. All I know is that fly fishing is very deep... I was perfectly happy with simple-minded spin casting all day long. Recently Joe dug out his fly rod from the depth of his closet and bought me a beginner set. This year though we just practice in our back yard, snagging neighbor's fence.
Trout fishing is slowing down, and now we wait for fall salmon. Meanwhile Joe started to get ready for deer season, checking and clearing his trails.
Apples were dropping at his old boss's apple orchard, so Joe went to pick them for deer feed (and a small bunch to make apple crisp for us).
And our grapes started to color.... Every week, or every day, autumn progresses. This Monday we took an after-work fishing trip to Apple Creek, hoping to see salmon. No signs of salmon, but fall colors were popping up. Joe was surprised to see the change over night, since he was there the morning before.