Friday, August 26, 2022

End of Summer

When we get to enjoy sunflowers and sweet corn, you know summer is coming to an end. And once the State Fair is over... we start thinking about the fall salmon season, and then our grapes... just before our first frost.
No matter how pretty, tasty and fun, it always feels bitter sweet. Ever slightly melancholy. This week Joe lost a cousin to a fire. Another reminder that life sometimes is not fair. A good reason for us to go out fishing more often, only to enjoy a beautiful moment in the woods. 
On a lighter note, we finally booked our October vacation to Hawaii's Big Island. Something lovely and exotic to look forward to.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Frenchman's Pond Comes True

Joe came back from his business training trip. All his flights were on time, and all in all he was glad to have gone. But we are glad he's home. We enjoyed a relaxing Saturday, checking out our local farmer's market, skipping rocks at the lake, and of course having a pint at our usual brewery. Back to normal.
Sunday we had a very special fishing adventure. By chance of meeting people at work, we were invited to Frenchman's Pond, which we have read about. 
We were even more honored that our host let us spin cast instead of fly fish this one time, hoping the old judge/author/fly fishing legend John Voelker in heaven wouldn't be upset. I suppose he wasn't too offended, we got to catch a few native brook trout.

The whole experience felt, and still feels, surreal. Almost like time traveling or stepping into a different dimension, in this case inside a book!