Thursday, April 28, 2022

Winning End of April!?

Now at the end of April, we can say slowly but surely Spring is happening around here. Each week the amount of ice and snow declined. Snow melted. More brown and less white.
This past Sunday with strong south wind, the temperature hit almost 80, though only for a few hours before dropping to 50, and downward. Joe took advantage of the weather and grilled a steak. Grilled food always tastes better in summer.
Of course, it's not unusual for us to have snow still. This was yesterday morning. We are hoping to get by just wearing lighter jackets for the weekend.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Thinking of SPRING!

Happy April Fool's Day! We were ready to say good-bye to March after yet another ice storm plus 6 inches of snow this week. The third one this month... I guess the weather god didn't notice my spring wreath.
Joe couldn't resist bringing home a bouquet of orange tulips when he was at a store. Let's hope this can bring us warm weather!