Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving and Black Friday Weekend

Joe is still hunting.... It's almost 6pm and dark out, and I haven't heard from him. That means a buck bigger than 4 points hasn't walked in. Deer season continues. 
My Thanksgiving day hunting was a success. I got to watch a couple of does in addition to squirrels and birds and took a nap. A doe wouldn't leave when we wanted to leave for lunch, even though we made noise. 
Thanks to Joe's family we got to have a warm turkey meal after a whole day being outdoors. The only things I made the day before were date bars and cranberry bars to share with Joe's family and my workplace. And yes, I survived another Black Friday weekend at work!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Still Hunting...

This is the week 2 of deer season. Joe's been commuting to his deer blind most days, dawn till dusk, except for a couple of work days mid-week. Yesterday we both came home from work at 5 and felt like going out... a rare treat for someone normally working retail hours till 7pm. 
This big buck still shows regularly, though only at night, which is why Joe keeps going out to his deer blind even in wintery weather. Tomorrow, Thanksgiving day, I'll be going along, mostly hoping to catch some snooze. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

The weekend before the deer season opening day was snowy... which is perfectly normal. Still, when you wake up to a snow-covered Saturday morning, having fresh croissants and coffee at a cozy French bakery is the way to start a day! 
Snow also makes it feel more like deer season, though Joe and many other hunters wouldn't want too much of it. Hopefully it won't snow much more over night.  
Joe is all ready for tomorrow morning. He's really hoping to take a shot at one of the two bucks he missed last season. Good luck! 

Friday, November 12, 2021

What's New in November?!

November is almost halfway through... counting down the last few days till deer season. Totally unrelated, but our beloved red microwave of 10+ years started acting up last month. It still worked, but a few days at a time, when you opened the door, it turned on with its dish turning backwards. We decided it was now possessed and time to be replaced. I still miss our old one... but this new one is red and cute. I can live with it.
And last night we drove 50 miles to have ramen at a place we'd never been. A rather fancy establishment that just added Asian/Japanese street/bar food inspired items. Maybe not quite like flying to Japan... but it was definitely a fun adventure that we'll repeat.