Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Weekend Fun, and Then Some

As expected, my long weekend disappeared quickly. We had beautiful summer weather and enjoyed our usual things we love close to home. Even better, we remembered to fill our growler with tasty beer to take along for our beach walk.
The Sunday was less windy, so we went out to fish Apple Creek, though fish didn't cooperate. 
And yet again, we played hard and procrastinated work. Been meaning to paint the concrete foundation of our house basically ever since we bought it. Finally later this Sunday we managed to make it happen. We just wondered why we can't do the work before having all the fun!

Friday, August 20, 2021

This Friday in this Old House...

Today I took a spontaneous vacation day...  though my first alcoholic drink didn't happen till way past 5. The day was far from how I envisioned, but everything worked out. Just yesterday I noticed some water around our water heater.
We started out not even knowing who to call, but by this afternoon our new water heater was professionally installed by a couple of nice young men. Thankfully it took 10 plus years before we needed a plumber. Cheers to home ownership!!

The State Fair Season!?

August is half gone... while the Olympics in Japan completed and Joe's family has come and gone. 
Last night we went to the State Fair. Everything was just as we remembered, and there were lots of people. Thankfully this fair experience felt the cleanest without taking away the barn smell. After missing last year's fair due to Covid, the corn dogs tasted that much better.
None of our related gangs could join us, but it was sill nice to be back at the fairground filled with the "usual".
It had been a few years since Joe's favorite shoot out the star booth faded and disappeared. Joe heard the faint but distinct air gun noise, and sure enough there it was. Except this one was bright, new, and attended by younger crews. 
Joe was thrilled and a 10 year old again. The price went up to $10 a round... I was glad Joe's budget wasn't enough for him to win another huge stuffed animal to take home! He came real close though.
Happy summer, what's left of!