Monday, October 26, 2020

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...

The sleet changed into actual snow over the weekend. Enough to blanket everything in white. Enough for the road crew to have to plow. Like I said, this year we aren't ready, but it's sure pretty!

Friday, October 23, 2020

Brrrr... Chilly!

Today's high temp 36 degrees was at 8am this morning. Another wet gloomy day. Sleet, mixed with snow on and off. This is nothing unusual up here in late October... but this year I am not ready! Maybe once snow-covered, it will get easier as we can go outside and play. For now Joe is getting ready for deer season. The reason we go out in the woods despite the weather. 

Almost forgotten, we did pick our grapes a few weeks ago. The smallest amount ever, the easiest for sure. I even added some leftover grape juice from last year to make only 2 batches of jelly. Who knew the Covid 2020 would also bring a great grape jelly shortage!!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Birthday Weekend !

We both had a 3-day weekend to enjoy things we love around town. We kicked off Kayo's birthday yesterday with proper southern brunch and bread pudding. We definitely needed a walk afterwards... the breeze was not too bad, as long as you had 10 layers of clothes! The temp was about 45. Tropical!

Saturday morning we woke up to some wet white snow. It's really not easy to face the upcoming winter with so much unknown.... we'd rather go into a hibernation with bears!
But as long as we can walk into our favorite local establishments with masks and feel almost normal again, we'll face this Covid winter. The first time sitting at the bar since just before Joe's birthday in March felt like a combined celebration of both our birthdays. Cheers to all your safety!

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Coho Salmon At Last!

Even though our trout stream is closed for season, our fishing fever (specifically for Coho salmon) did not go away. This weekend we spent hours staring into the water and chasing after the salmon. We could see the fish. Every once in a while one of them would surface and roll. There were many fishermen coming and going empty handed. Not mentioning the lures being lost. Sunday late in the afternoon one of my many casts snagged this 21" salmon at last. Fish God's mercy, or pure luck. The only fish we'd seen pulled all weekend. I'm done with my fishing season... though Joe is still hoping to catch a Coho with ikura (salmon roe).
Between our shifts on the river this weekend, we also enjoyed much autumn beauty. On the forest floors are as many colored leaves as on the trees now. 
We went to pick deer apples at Joe's boss's house, too. A bit of work bending down to pick apples from the ground to fill buckets, but it was very nice to enjoy such beautiful fall weather outdoors. Happy Fall, everyone!