Sunday, February 23, 2020

Happy Mardi Gras!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. After 0 degree weather earlier in the week, we are enjoying this 40 degrees sunny weekend, even better off work plus off call. Also we won't be able to go out on Fat Tuesday, we celebrate it early with a tasty brunch at our favorite Cajun restaurant. No beads thrown... but very satisfying.
Still, not quite a beach weather.... We also needed to burn our big brunch, so we tried a new trail not far from town. 
The bright sunlight, pure Vitamin D, was as much a treat as what followed afterwards.
We ended at a new NOLA inspired cocktail bar the Courtyards, owned by our good friends from Lagniappe. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Valentine's Day

Happy belated Valentine's Day to all. It was also my day off after 7 days of work. We had a few days of frigid weather and didn't even want to go out grocery shopping. So we challenged ourselves to prepare our Valentine's Day dinner with what we had. Steak and shrimp from our freezer, roasted potatoes, and curried carrot soup. 
For dessert I had made Bailey's Irish Cream brownies... again with all ingredients I had in my kitchen. Not too shabby.
Saturday morning we took Joe's mom to our favorite French bakery (we just needed a good excuse ourselves to go there) and later went out on a rib dinner date with our good friends. In between we did take a walk outdoors... though it was pretty chilly with wind, I forgot to take pictures.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Super Bowl Sunday

I happened to have this Super Bowl Sunday off... not that it mattered. Rather glad we wouldn't have to grind our teeth watching Packers play. We had a relaxing Sunday to enjoy. First, we took a leisurely walk outdoors. For a change it was not windy, around 35 degrees, with a few snowflakes in the air. A perfect day to enjoy the winter beauty.
Then we had our lunch at Blackrocks. No sandwich this time. Just liquid.
At home we threw together a quick Super Bowl party spread with what we had. Low key, but fun way to watch the game, or half watch and half nap. Hope everyone got to enjoy the Super Bowl Sunday one way or the other.