Sunday, February 24, 2019

No End to the SNOW!

We are in the middle of another winter storm... its 1st stage blessed us with at least 6 inches of snow Friday, then after a day of anticipation, over a foot of snow over night last night was the 2nd phase. This round is again expected to drop another foot of snow, if not more, with hurricane-grade wind.
Joe is not sure where he can put all that snow. The above pic shows how big the snow banks were compared to Joe... as of yesterday. The white snow is literally swallowing our house!
Our grape vines are completely buried. For the record, this is the most snow we've had at our house.
Joe just knocked down all the ice build-up as thick as 6+ inches from the back entry roof. A remarkable improvement. Such hard work! I just stood back and watched to make sure Joe didn't get blown away by the strong gusts. Even then I had a hard time breathing. The blizzard warning is in effect until 1am tonight. So now it's time to make some popcorn, grab a drink, and start watching a movie or two. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


We lost track of how many snow days we've already had so far this year.... Snow started yesterday by 9am, and well, it's still snowing and blowing. It snowed hard all day yesterday, and then all night. This morning we woke up to a foot of snow on top of our cars (the accumulation since we came home from work last night). Our already big enough snow banks seem to have doubled! Yes, the snow walls are now much taller than Joe. 
This is Joe after almost 2 hours of blowing snow, round 1. Now he is at work digging and shoveling snow. Simply IMPRESSIVE!
P.S. The official snow accumulation total from this storm confirmed that we received over 24 inches of snow... plus we got additional 10 inches on Friday! 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Capturig the Ice

This afternoon we went out for a walk to capture some pictures of our frozen winter wonderland to share with our friend in Hawaii. It was NOT windy, but still cold... cold enough nothing melting. I figure we share these pictures here not to waste our effort. Above short video gives you the icy audio we thought you might enjoy. The tunnel of frozen tree branches was my favorite.
After we warmed up from our walk, we took our Subaru for a Sunday drive. We thought it might have a little bit of "cabin fever." The lake as far as we could see from the shore was frozen today. But we enjoyed the endless snow and ice covered landscape from the warmth of our car. And guess what? It started snowing lightly but surely!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Though we hoped it would warm up a bit from sub zero temps for almost two weeks, we were not ready for rain, mixed with sleet and ice, then snow. Yesterday morning we woke up to the movie "Frozen" outside our windows. It was pretty... but that was where it ended. Most everything was closed, or shut down early. We can deal with snow, but not ice. We are expecting quite a bit of snow on Thursday, so all these poor trees loaded with heavy ice aren't out of danger....